Sunday, September 9, 2012

First Week

We're already through the first week and I already feel so unorganized, but once I finally get the time to do it, I'm too tired or just don't want to. Oops. I really could have used a long weekend. At least it's only 8:30 then I guess. Though we may be playing a game later.. I'm hoping..

At any rate, I'm trying to get the views up on my new blog! Check it out!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

First Week of League

I had been looking forward to this day for awhile! To get back to bowling every week, to seeing everyone. To get working on my game with a coach again.

No coaches today, since it IS the first day back; and I'm glad, because it made me think & feel which is always better than always depending on a coach. I felt that despite my scores, it was a good day of bowling. 173, 184, 163 & 191 is alright, if I didn't have that 163 I would have been happier, because I would have been trending more upwards. But that game was obviously a transition game that I didn't handle too well. The last game I finally made the right move and it worked pretty good.

By then I had to move a crap ton left (feet and mark) because the lanes were drying up so much. So because of that, I needed more hand. Aka getting around the ball better/more and using a lot more fingers. And I did! I was actually pretty impressed with myself; especially for doing it quite consistently in the last game. I found it in the second game but struggled to keep it up, so it was nice to get it going near the end.

One thing about going into this season, I'm kind of worried for the future of our sport in Alberta. There's at least 7 of us graduating from the youth program, and after that there's really not much talent left. There's a few really good boys left, but really no girls.. it's really unfortunate. Just 4 or 5 years ago, Alberta had so many youth bowlers, and all of them really good and always taking a handful of medals at Nationals. After this year, chances might be slim, with the exception of a few boys..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Discrepancies Across The Board

After watching performances of our Canadian talent at the PABCON championships in Vegas this past week, this issue is brought to mind with even more fervor than usual.

Everybody that has success in Canada at bowling, as in they are recognized world wide and are always up for medal contention, has something in common - the east coast. With 2 exceptions that I know of from BC and Alberta (Alberta because they were groomed at school in the states). None from Saskatchewan, a few from Manitoba but all from Ontario and Quebec. It's incredible really, the kind of bowlers they produce out there. I am very doubtful that anyone can say it's because of the population, there's a better chance of cultivating better athletes from a wider range of population.

No, the reason is opportunity. They have the Buffa studio in Montreal, which is where Canadian team training takes place, and they also offer private lessons, aided by computer programs, and of course the best coaches in the country. They are also close to the states, very well known for their success at the sport, so bowlers in that area of the country have many opportunities to experience many and different tournaments, starting at a young age.

For example, Junior Gold. You need to qualify in a qualifier first, but being an American tournament most of the qualifiers are held south of our borders, and it's easier (closer) for those in the East to get there.

I have no idea why this kind of transparency exists. Is it because there is more money out there? Is it because that's where the roots of canadian bowling started and it just stayed there and attracted the best and it just grew from there? I honestly don't know why we don't have more opportunities here. I know are numbers ARE indeed smaller, but we definitely have the talent. I suppose at least we do have elite coaching. We have two regular Team Canada coaches in Calgary, both of which have helped me in the past, and I know always will. And luckily we have an awesome pro shop guy in Edmonton who moved from Montreal, and who is also one of Canada's better bowlers - not as highly touted but has made Team Canada before and regularly participates in American tournaments.

I know quite a handful of kids in the East also going to school in the States, on scholarship, bowling on their school bowling teams. They will be the next big Canadian stars. This again, is because they are in the East. They are close to those good schools that it's more feasible. Out here in Alberta, I doubt it's the same (though I have not thoroughly researched this), which is why there have only been 2 girls who have gone to the US and have repeatedly made the Canadian team.

So it's days like this where I see a fellow Canadian winning gold with a perfect game, and wish that I could have the chance to someday get there. But I don't. I have to face that fact. Yes, I can be the tops in my province, but I'll never be able to call myself an elite bowler, I'll never have enough knowledge of strategy, equipment, lane conditions, etc no make it. If I lived out East I would have had a chance. Even moving to Edmonton gave me a better chance, it should have been sooner to maximize my growth, but I suppose I'll take what I can get.

In the end, it won't matter. I'll just be glad to be participating in a sport I love so much, and hopefully I'll be cheering on Canadians for the rest of my life. Maybe if I keep bowling as long as possible I'll have a chance on a senior team...? Ha I doubt it, my body will fall apart in 20 years.. But I can always dream, right??

Anyway, here's the video of George Lambert IV throwing his SECOND 300 of the tournament, on a SECOND pattern. He does it for Master's Gold, but more importantly he does it for his country.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Final Thoughts

All in all the trip was kind of a bust. I didn't bowl nearly as well as I wanted to, averaging below 170. Because of this I didn't enjoy myself as much as I should have. But what can you do. We still partied hard and got to know some more people. Aka the people I knew by name but never spoke to now knew my name and I didn't seem like such a creeper.

Last night, after the final day of bowling for the ones who didn't make the cut, partied HARD. I woke up this morning with my legs covered in bruises and a massive headache. Who knows how much I actually drank; there was a tub full of beer though and there were about 3 left over this morning. I definitely slept until 11:30, did timmies for breaky and then just sat out in the courtyard in the gazebo for 3+ hours. I got good and tan, even burnt my thigh.

Then we headed to the banquet, decent food and lots of talking. Next year (if I go) I'm so not doing that again. It's a bunch of clapping, standing ovations for the inductees to the hall of fame, more clapping and nearly falling asleep.

We then headed back to the hotel, sat around chatting for an hour or two and then headed over to the 'toba boys' room to drink some more. Only a tall can of beer, can of rockstar & half a cooler. At the moment it's 3:40 and we head out to the hotel at 7am so there's no point in sleeping. I would love to, but I know I'd end up worse for wear if I were to sleep for just a few hours. Carla passed out, wouldn't keep her eyes open.

So we fly into Calgary about 12, layover and then land in Edmonton at about 12:45. Hopefully next year I can qualify the first time around, and book better flights. Fingers crossed. If only I had made CTF nationals.. because a good chunk of the people here will be there. Next year, next year!

So the plan now..? Most likely take a break for at LEAST a month. More so because I won't necessarily have the money to go out there week after week. I'm probably going to go there Wednesday to drop off my stuff, pay the proshop and talk to Ted about our plan of action. Figure out what I can work on during the summer. He won't be around though, and probably not Dan until about August.

While I'm disappointed at my performance, I still learnt new things, which is the next best thing I suppose.

Next year!

Day 2

This day on medium went much much better. I think I just needed to get day 1 out of the way, get some nerves out of the way. I just threw the ball and it was fine! I started off with a bang of 226 (FINALLY A CLEAN GAME!!) and then dipped down a bit but I pulled the day together pretty good to average 184. I threw maybe 3 bad balls so I can't complain on the day. Everyone else struggled like crazy though! So I ended up jumping 10 spots into a tie for 38th. I was shooting down 5 and then ended up moving to 10 and then 12. Nothing much else to say about the day besides wishing I didn't have that 153 game and maybe the two 170s.

226 153 172 192 180 178 (1101)

2026 & 38th overall

Monday, May 21, 2012

Day 3

This was the final day of bowling. After jumping 10 spots the last day I wanted to aim to jump another 10. I think it was a mistake to set a bar because I really struggled; very similar to the first day, pulling it a lot. This time I reacted quickly and Stephen, one of the coaches actually helped and got me to use a different line, swinging in from the 10, instead of 5. It worked great for the 2nd game but then I struggled again. The carry down was tough to deal with; not being used to dealing with much of it I didn't know what to do. So I went through the thought process of, well what is my ball doing? It wasn't coming in so I knew it was carry down that was messing me up. So how to get it in? Well there's the standard move but I tried that and didn't like the line I had, I wasn't comfortable there. So I asked myself what else could I do? Then I remembered by abralon pad (like sand paper for bowling balls) to make it duller so it'll hook more. It worked perfect and so I dulled it down a bit after every game. If not for the 1st & 3rd games I would have been pretty happy with my day. Long was supposed to be my best because we had been practicing on it for about a month but at Gateway it was a lot slicker.

144 196 129 181 197 173 (1020)

3046 & 41st overall

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Day 1

Day 1 was Friday, on short oil. Going into it I wasn't feeling prepared; I hadn't had time to practice on it at all. The shot at Gateway was more of a medium pattern so that wasn't going to help.

The first 3 or 4 games I was pulling it way too much. I knew it too. It took myself way too long to ask myself, "Ok. What are some possible reasons for tugging it?". So far I had only been trying to stay behind the ball. I then realized that I had been popping up at the end, so I needed to stay down. Once I figured that out, I had a few good balls. But by then I don't know if the problem was that it had broken down too much and I had too little a margin of error, that I was pre-turning or if it was a combination of both. All in all I just was not in the right "zone" to bowl. Dallas and Max ended up helping me out in the 5th game which helped a bit, even though it wasn't that great a game. I think the problem as well was that I was using the wrong line, I think I was shooting 5 for most of it. For next year I definitely need to figure that one out ahead of time.

160 115 179 144 156 171 (925) & 48th place

Monday, May 14, 2012

Last Practice

It was an odd night of practice. I almost didn't want to be there - I didn't have too much fun. And of course I got tired again. Maybe the secret is timmie's. 1/2 coffee, 1/2 hot chocolate. I'm SO bagged. But even through that I was doing alright, but throwing the ball only okay. Maybe 2 really good shots at most. Ted kind of stayed away from us and just let us do our thing - with three days to go I think it's almost more important that we go at it on our own and just get comfortable throwing a bunch of games.

I think I may have averaged 175 over 3, which isn't too bad considering the shot was pretty broken down by then. It just got really frustrating trying to adjust for that, and the two lanes were breaking down differently. I didn't quite have the mental capacities to deal with that tonight.

Then we shot a round of golf (low game). I won again with 61. Everyone else had at least a strike. That's when you know people are tired (yet they stayed and played one more!). So I'm comfortable sparing my 4, 6, 7, &10 pins at least. As long as I can manage to leave single pins if I don't strike I should do pretty well I think. I've figured out my game plan for the long. At the beginning try and ride the rail (1 or 2 board). Then keep moving inside, 8 board (maybe 5) and then 10. We'll see where everyone else is shooting though. If everyone is doing 10, that might not be the best line by the end, but we'll see.

Tonight was really not much of a confidence boost, so I'm glad I had it last Wednesday. I'm not really taking anything from this besides sparing because I was just too tired. A positive though since it's not like I was horrible. I'm much happier being consistent and being okay, than scoring high and then crashing back down.

So now it's a waiting game. No more bowling till we get to Mississauga for official practice on all the shots. We probably won't spend too much time there, maybe a game on each (if that). More so just to get a feel for the approach, pin action and of course the shots.

So next post will be from TO! 3 days! Takeoff at 8am.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Almost There

At today's practice I didn't work too much at using different lines like on Monday. I had enough of that and just wanted to get some confidence going. It definitely worked! I'm still not 100% there for the long shot though; it was supposed to be what it was Monday but it seemed like there was lighter oil or something, it was not as tough as Monday.. or maybe I was used to using the line I was shooting/I was shooting the right line.

Using my vivid, I ended up going down the 5, eye on the dots, just about a foot out on the lane instead of the arrows farther down. For some reason looking closer helps get the ball rolling into the direction of the pocket sooner, which is needed on a long shot.

Once it dried up a bit more I switched to my invasion since it's an older ball it has less energy to it, and changed my line to 10. I made the change instantaneously perfectly, guessing a movement of 6 boards with my feet to the left. Twice now it seems to be if I move 5 with my eyes, a move of 6 with my feet should have me close (if I remember correctly - I really need to start writing things down).

So I have a good feel for the long now, which will be the toughest pattern out there. Ideally I would love to get back on the short and find a good line. I did get some good practice on it, but instead of really trying to find a line, I was trying tough lines to see how they worked and I was working more on my hand placement and release. Unfortunately they're only putting out long from now on. But at least when we get there on Thursday we can practice so I'll spend most of my time on the short and the medium (I haven't had a chance on that one but it'll probably play more like a house shot Im thinking).

Overall I'm feeling a lot more confident now and just want to get there already. I'm going for one more practice Monday and then I'll rest until Thursday.

Side note: I lost ANOTHER thumb slug. I was using my larger one because once again it was really warm in the alley so my thumb was swelling. Dan, the pro shop guy, happened to be watching. I told him and he flipped his shit pretty much. He said here and Calgary are the only places he's heard of that happening so much (I've done it in both..). They couldn't find it so Dan said he'd do another for me. So frustrating. So that was the end of the night since I couldn't use my smaller one. I would have been done anyways, I only had 3 frames left and I was getting really tired. I ended up shooting 212 the first game by the way.

8 days!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wednesday & other

Last night was another good work, with good work being done on my swing. It was also a bit frustrating though, mostly from getting tired though I think. But I've also had problems really focusing on my mark, hitting it, staying down and getting the proper lift on the ball. I think that a few days before we leave, I'm just going to bowl for fun, not worry about technicalities..

Exciting news (for me) though! I finally got my new ball! It's the Vivid by Storm.

It's drilled specifically to be stronger for me; to get to the pocket with more hook & power. Dan also had me trying out some different surfaces on it (sanding it) to see the different reactions. This is all the purpose for the long oil shot. Long oil means 45ft of oil, so there generally isn't much hook to be had on those types of shots. I unfortunately didn't get to practice with it on long, we were on more of a short shot, so there was a lot more hook than needed. Next Monday we're doing long so maybe I'll get to use the new ball on it (Dan doesn't want me using it too much so it doesn't burn out before the tourney). 

It's kind of crazy that there's only 2 weeks left until we leave! That means 4 more practice sessions, but I'll probably take the last one off, since it'll be Wednesday - we leave Thursday and will be practicing later that day, then bowling 18 games in the following 3 days.. so that's a lot of bowling. 

In the last post I was saying how maybe there would be a plan of attack for CNCs.. well I suppose there was, talking about different surfaces to use on the new ball and such. But we also talked about for next fall. Dan said that when he gets back from doing expos in August that he's going to fit me into a new wrist brace contraption. Sounds like it's going to keep me from being the full roller that I am, which will immensely help my game. He didn't put me into it right away because that's a big step to go to. I guess it basically forces/holds my hand into the proper position. That being said, my stuff will no longer be drilled properly for me so Dan said that if we get to that point he might be able to just give me a ball so that we don't have to plug and re-drill everything. To me it's not the end of the world, but when it comes to tournaments it could probably make a difference, since there's "foreign" substances in the ball now, it would change the overall reaction of the ball a bit I guess. So we'll figure that out when we get there, but it sounds promising for next year.

Oh also, I was comparing last year's average(s) to this year's and I actually didn't fall back to badly. Tournament scores had a significant difference I was -5 from last year, and that was even with averaging 206 in the scholarship tourney... League average was -2 and Monday sparing I went +4 (but I had less games played this year so that doesn't mean a whole bunch). Overall I am -3, averaging 183 throughout the year (even though I haven't factored in CNCs like I did last year, it would probably be about the same). So really, it's not that bad.. it's just disappointing that I didn't improve my average, especially after averaging 190+ during the summer. But that IS a totally different environment so I guess that's not much of an argument... haha, whatever.

Alrighty, 14 days!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fun Bowl & Awards, Year End Wrap Up

I suppose I should write an entry about how the year finished off.

The last day was just a 3 game, glow in the dark, family fun bowl. It was 8 pin no tap - if you get 8 pins or more; it's an automatic strike; so of course scores were going to be huge. I don't remember what I scored, except I got a 300 the last game - of the 12 strkes, only 5 of them were from no tap so I still would have had a great game going. It was also an easy shot which was nice to get back to.

Then we had our banquet - free food and awards!! I had highest score for senior girls (267) and my team won high handicap single (812). I also won a draw for a $50 gift certificate to the pro shop. That honestly doesn't cover too much, but not like it matters anytime soon, since I'm getting Joe to pay for anything (he HAD said to keep it under $500 for new balls but now I'm getting one, I had to get two new thumbs done, I have to get my balls certified for the tourney and they will also resurface my balls so I don't see why he wouldn't pay for that stuff too).

So looking back at the season... it was bad. It really was. I only made one provincial tournament and then bowled like crap in it. My average went down. I missed a lot in the beginning because of stupid partying and other things (I honestly don't know what was wrong with me the first semester). I also failed miserably in the first qualifier for CNCs.

There definitely was SOME good though, like the scholarship tourney and making all the money I did. That was the highlight. Also placing 5th in world cup & beating everyone I wanted to beat. And I guess qualifying for CNCs though it wasn't a challenge.. I also started to do some good work in the last month or so. I haven't totally revolutionized anything yet, but I'm getting more lift on the ball and better reaction which if definitely a step in the right direction.

Goals looking forward:
-Place top 25 at CNCs (same as last year but there's almost a guarantee there will be many more women entering) OR just bowl well - be above average.
-Work on my game during the summer. I don't know what the chances of getting Ted out there once a week might be, but maybe Dan would be willing to help.. I would love to have the chance to change some things by the time league rolls around again.
-For next season, see my average close to 190 or up (definitely realistic)
-Make all provincial tournies
-Make nationals or take 2nd place at provies

These are some adequate goals, not sure how lofty they may or may not be, but whatever the case it's always good to have goals. It will also be my last year in youth so I have to make it count.

Tomorrow is organized practice 6-8 which I will of course be attending and it'll be the third day in a row of bowling (good practice for CNCs - 6 games/day, 3 days in a row). I maaaay get my new ball! Also get to chat with Ted and maybe figure out a plan for the summer, but at least maybe talk about a plan of attack for CNCs?

I love this sport.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Now it's all about preparing for CNCs. Today we asked for a long shot but it was more medium than anything.. I was using my lower end ball and still getting quite some hook on it; not what I'm used to. So the oil was a bit thin I think then, but I'm also throwing it a lot better, getting more lift and rotation on the ball.

All we did was throw games, I ended up shooting 7, trying to work up the endurance to throw 6 in TO. Usually that would be no problem but for some reason I've just been tuckered right out after like 4, so I made myself push through it. I just need to find a way to keep the energy up to keep my ball speed up so that it doesn't have too much time to move on the lane.

It was a frustrating practice though; had to be right on your mark or you'd leave crap. I definitely did not have the energy to focus that hard; I was having enough trouble as it is staying down at the line - which helped tremendously. I realized I had stopped doing it, started again and then was throwing sooo much better! So I definitely need to make a mental note of that.

I'm going out again on Wednesday, there's practice Mondays & Wednesdays 6-8 at Gateway. It's mostly been set up for the CTF provincial team, but it's still good for us to go to. They'll have the CTF long shot put out which won't be what will be at CNCs but it's still better than nothing.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Saturday Practice

No more league :((
Just fun bowl next Saturday and banquet; food + prizes. So since there was no league, I headed out to practice.
It was Max, Brendan, Chelsey, Jeremy and I; all of us going to CNCs but unfortunately not Brendan. We actually had a really great practice. Usually I don't like to score when practicing, but it was ok. Our first 2 games we did strictly scoring. I can't quite remember my scores but I did better than the others.. The shot was ridiculous, I asked for hard and man did they give us hard. There was a ton of oil 5 and out and like right in front of the pins, it would just stop hooking... SO STRANGE. So naturally the score were pretty low, and I think I had the high the first game with a 180 something.. actually Brendan might have gotten my in the last frame with a 188. I can't remember the second game.

Then we went to a low scoring game. The goal is to take out only the 10 pin and then the 7 pin, working on spares. If you got a gutter on the 1st ball, that gives you a srike. If you had a gutter on the 2nd ball, that's a spare for the frame. And since you're trying to score low, that's bad. I was definitely the best at my 10 pin. Snipe shot 5 times about. I won with a low of 58, narrowly beating Brendan who had a 59. Chelsey and Jeremy were in the 70's I think, and Max had about 90 something.. lol. He had about 2 strikes in there.

Then we shot another game, and since we had been shooting all over the place, we were all able to find a good line. I was getting tired though and focus was slipping, so I didn't shoot that great of a game, a low 170 maybe? So I was done after that. Jeremy had left after the 3rd game, and everyone else shot a 5th game. I really should have pushed through maybe, but I think it was just the lack of sleep. Because 4 should be no problem. We'll be doing 6 a day for 3 days out in TO.. Gotta get the game numbers up, but that'll have to wait til after exams now. No more bowling til I'm done!!

Note: I've been using a brace now and it definitely helps me get a bit more on the ball, not a big jump, but maybe it could contribute to a few more pins here and there so I think I'll stick with it.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Sparing - Rolloffs

I forgot to write a post up last week about practice but there's not too much to share. It was a lot of good work, so it was tiring and also a bit frustrating. It was also a bit.. disappointing? I was really in the mood to BOWL not practice I guess. So I really wanted to throw some normal balls at the end of the night, but Ted told me to call it quits and I wanted to catch the bus so I didn't.

Lately, because I've been working at fixing my game, I haven't felt very confident in my game or very comfortable either. I've been about average, but in the weeks leading up to all this playing around with my swings and stuff I had been doing pretty great, so it was a bit of a let down. I was just really unsure about my self.

And then comes a night like tonight, just got back from Calgary so I'm all relaxed and just want to bowl (I had missed Saturday league). I got there early to warm up with everyone else who was practicing and didn't really make any nice shots or anything so I was uneasy about sparing in an hour - it was rolloffs, basically like playoffs. So it was important for the team I was bowling on that I bowled well.

Well I did! First game (once again against my coach that I had beaten 2 weeks prior) I came out with a bang. 226. Take that Brian! I won that match. Then we switched opponents. 203, lost to Carla who was also sparing. She had a heck of a game, a 236. She always bowls better when I'm around, she loosens up. For me it depends. If we get too chatty I lose focus and then suck. But it was alright today. I ended up losing a bit of focus, but having Ted coaching on the lanes right next to us was kind of making me paranoid for some reason. So I missed a spare or two that I should have had. Next, we changed opponents again, and I was up against Chelsey's mom. I shot a 201, I was definitely losing focus, I was getting tired - it had been a long day (3hr bus ride from Calgary). She shot a 204. I had left an open, a freaking easy spare to make (hence I knew I was losing focus), so she was able to beat me.

But I averaged 210 which I'm not complaining about. And I think I helped the team take 3rd place. I'm really just glad that I was able to just go out and bowl, and bowl well! It helped that it was an easy shot though.. Oh well.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Instead of my usual practice, I was a sub for someone in the adult league. I was looking forward to it so I could sort of redeem myself from Saturday's league results, or at least make me feel better about myself.

Well it worked. Ted had wanted me to try cupping my wrist all night long, but I just don't have the strength to do that, to throw a good ball over and over, so once we started our game I said enough with that. I then proceeded to throw a 196, 189, 179, 169. Ya the scores went down, but honestly I was throwing a better ball by each game. The oil was starting to break down by the end of the 3rd and by the 4th, I just didn't have enough time to make the right adjustments. I finally had it all in place by the 10th frame.. drat! At least I was above average, 183!

Once thing about the Monday league is that it's scratch. You have 3 bowlers on a team, labeled A, B & C. The best bowler is A and C is the worst. I was sparing for the B bowler. So each player is against, the other same labeled player on the other team. For example B bowls against B. Whoever wins gets 2 points for the win, same with the other players, and then there's another 2 points for the team with the highest total.

Tonight I just so happened to be bowling against one of my coaches, Brian, who is also my teammates Dad. He usually gives me a hard time with stuff, and he actually gets on my nerves a lot, because he basically always tells me the same thing - stay behind the ball. But I can't just do it at your command!! I've been bowling this way for many years, it doesn't just go away. And he always makes these jokes about how if we miss something or get a brooklyn, he's go "I would have gotten that". It gets old now. So I definitely wanted to beat him tonight. I beat him 3 out of 4 games, and only lost to him by 1 in the last game. So ha.

One thing though.. I have respect for coaches who can actually throw high games, it shows they obviously know what they are talking about because they can apply it to themselves. Now Brian and I have basically the same average. He doesn't look like a very good bowler, BUT he is a pretty old guy and has knee trouble and maybe even joints in the hand problems. So I can't be too judgmental about that. BUT the fact that I beat him tonight kind of makes me want to tell him to shove it the next time he tries to "help".

On a side note, I kind of really feel bad for Chelsey. She bowls full time in this league, and the past few weeks I've seen her just tear it up, averaging over 200. To do that in league and then to come out to a provincial tournament and average only about 180 must hurt. She definitely needs to get her head space figured out for those tournaments. She just wants to win SO badly that it just consumes her and affects her game. She really is an incredible bowler, and if she was as cool & nonchalant in big tournaments as she is in league, I would have no chance, she would be right up there. But, alas, life doesn't work that way. Too many times do really good players bomb in tournaments because their head games aren't anywhere near their physical game. I also realized this today of Summar, 3 years post-youth. Incredibly good in league, but I beat her in World Cup this year, and last year at CNCs. Man, if I could only get my physical game where theirs are... I would be scary good! Actually I'm pretty sure Ted had said that once; that people would be scared of me.. But I don't know when or if that will ever happen. I might decide to work at it every week in the summer - if possible. But I would need Ted or Dan to help me out. Once again, we'll see!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Saturday Youth League

Bowling hungover is the worst. And yesterday wasn't the worst I've ever been. But because of that I felt totally out of it and bowling wasn't much fun. I couldn't make very good shots, the ball just didn't feel good in my hand. I was consistent enough at least I suppose, but the scores weren't near where I wanted them to be. I averaged 170 with a high of 180. My average is 182, but will drop once again.

I decided to stay after league to practice; why not? I didn't feel like going home to just sit around. Ted also stayed and we got some good work done. One of the things to note that we worked on was a two handed release. I had a lot of trepidation to do that (if you don't know what that looks like, google Jason Belmonte). Compared to the "normal" way it just seemed like it would be really difficult to change.

I was surprised to discover it wasn't!! Of course I look nothing like Belmonte, I have way less power going through the ball. It was also a nice break on my thumb - because of the use of the second hand, there's no need for the thumb to be in the ball to be able to hold onto it, thus you get waaay more rotation and rpms on the ball.

The purpose to get me to do that was to get me extending further over the lane, to end up with more fingers and less thumb. Or at least that's what I felt I got out of it. Now I'm kind of thinking I might like to actually change completely to that style, but we'll see. Ted and Dan had been talking about doing that actually; I think they were only ever half serious, but the fact that Ted got me doing that and then probably went to tell Dan about it, tells me it was more serious an idea than I thought.

So overall it was a great 1.5 hrs of practice and my arm is still sore today. Next up is sparing for the adult league (as in subbing for someone) so I can't practice, but I'm still going to go for the start of practice and warm up, maybe chat with Ted about what he wants me doing coming up soon. We've decided to give me a few weeks to see where I can get in maybe changing things, before drilling some new balls. I need at least 2 weeks to break in new stuff so I have about 3 weeks to figure stuff out.

So while all this sounds very promising for the future, it doesn't make me feel good about CNCs. I think it's really going to throw me off, there are so many different things that I've been trying, that I don't know what to do to be at my optimal best. But at least I'll have those 2 weeks to settle into "normal", I'll ask Ted to come out or even Dan if Ted is busy. Even though I know I can't win, I still want to show everyone that I am a force, and that they should be watching out for me in the future..

Monday, March 12, 2012

ATPA Scratch Qualifier

Yesterday in Calgary was my last chance to make a national championship tournament for the year. This was for the CNCs, the Canadian National Championships - Team Canada Trials.

Now when I talk about qualifying, it doesn't mean you have to win or else you can't go, it's just that the Alberta Ten Pin Association won't give you $1000 towards the tournament.

So for youth, there's actually two ways we can qualify. The Alberta Youth Scholarship that was held in about November or so. The top 2 boys and top 2 girls get the money. Then there's also the ATPA qualifier. It's a more difficult tournament though because it's also the qualifier for the adults. Same as with the other tournament, the top 2 boys and top 2 girls qualify. For the adults it's top 4 men and top 4 women.

Since the youth tournament had already been held, I really had no one to compete with. It's quite a competitive tournament so unless you're "experienced" (when it comes to youth at least), you're not going to find many people trying to go. As a result I was up against 2 other girls, a 16 yr old and an 18 yr old. I had to beat only one of them. But I know these girls and they aren't the greatest bowlers so I wasn't worried.

I started off great with a 211 but after that I kind of fell off, I was somewhat consistent but the shot they put down was kind of weird. Not necessarily difficult, but different I guess. And after 5 games it really dried up quick, adding to the challenge, meaning balls hook a lot more with less oil, and we still had 5 to go.

Game 7 I lost my switch grip. It somehow fell out of my ball and they couldn't find it in the pit behind the pins or in the ball return. Greeaaat.. But at least I came prepared and brought another ball that doesn't need the switch grip. Or else I'd have to use someone else's and cram a shit ton of tape in there to get it to fit my thumb.

In the end I can't really take a lot of this tournament besides the $1000 and the fact that I ended up throwing a really good ball. It hard to feel good about your scores when ALL the scores all low, but I guess in comparison to others you see you still did well. It just doesn't really feel like it for some reason.. But anyways, I ended 120 pins or so up on 2nd place.. yeah.. haha. Either way, I'm just glad I got that money!!! I'm super stoked for the end of May now. I think it takes place about the17th-20th in Toronto.

So I'll be going to the pro shop and complaining about losing the switch grip (maybe faulty installation??). Then end of April I'll get a new ball (hopefully I win one from the year end banquet, but if not, it'll be an early birthday present from my parents).

Now to spend next to no money and hopefully find a job that will begin Beginning of May and will let me take that time off!!

Now it's just normal league which ends end of April.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Night Practice

Well Ted (my coach) didn't actually really have much to say about the tournament yesterday. I guess the way it was working out was that it was a tough shot and the way I throw the ball didn't match up too well with that. And we figured out (during practice) the reason why I couldn't bend my knee/stay down. I was leaning forward way too much. So we got the figured out today.

We also changed my hand position from tilted to the right (trying to get more hook on the ball) to a flatter position so I wouldn't rotate my hand too early in counteracting against the other position. I was also trying to work on keeping the center of the ball more at the base of my pointer finger, since that's the strongest point of the hand.

There was also another coach there and he had a video camera so we were analyzing our approaches from different angles. From that we saw that you don't see my fingers at all in the back swing, ie. I'm not staying "behind the ball" like I'm supposed to, a result of my wrist "breaking". So we tried to keep my wrist cocked in order to keep it a bit straighter during the swing. That didn't work at all since I have next to no muscle in my wrist.

After about 2 hours it was: ok, just throw the ball, and hope these things stick. Well Dylan and I had then decided we should prebowl. After 2 hours of practice my arm was pretty sore and I was iffy about it but said sure why not. Good thing I did! I wish I had taken a picture, but I got a new high score! (Though unofficially since it's not during sanctioned play) It was this: 9/ XX 9/ XXXXXXXX for 269. Then 236! Then 209. And then a lowly 170, but my thumb was swelling from the heat and too many "games" (we didn't bowl actual games during practice.

So that makes me feel better. I just have to get better at bowling on tough conditions I guess. At least I'm consistently good on easy shots now. Now to transfer that to different oil patterns.. They should really start doing that for league now..

Now to rest up the hand and arm and then head down to Calgary Saturday morning for CNCs qualifier.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Edmonton Youth Scholarship All Events

This is by far the best tournament of the year - lots of fun, low pressure.

So this is how it works. It's a tournament comprised of team, doubles and singles events. 3 games for each shift. There is also a "mini tournament" of 3 games on a difficult oil pattern, which we call a sport shot. As well, there is a skills competition where specific pins are set up and we get points for making the spares; with more difficult spares garnering more points.

Skills is divided into 160 average and under & 161 and over. The field usually gets cut to the top 6 in each, and they move on to the second round & more difficult spares. The winner wins a bowling ball, and gets their name on a plaque. This year I got 12 points, but the cut off was 13 points so I just missed making the cut - I think I was the same for last year as well.

For payouts, I'm not 100% how it works, but I think the amount depends on how many entries were in each event and division. So each event will pay different amounts. The big thing about this tournament is in the name - All Events. They take your combined scores from teams, doubles and singles (but only from the first shift of each, as you can enter as many times as you like). It's also scratch and handicap, so there's 8 ways of winning.

Now for my results. Keep in mind, my average is 179, so for each shift, an average total would be of about 540.

Teams: 629, 210 ave
Doubles: 590, 197 ave
Singles: 637, 212 ave
All Events: 1856, 206 ave

(2 high games of 227)

Teams scratch I think we ended up either 3rd or 4th for scratch and maybe 2nd or 3rd for handicap. So we'll hopefully cash a bit of money.
Doubles was a lost cause because my partner didn't do too well.
For singles scratch, the lowest I could end up is 2nd but I think I managed 1st so that should be a decent payout. I'm not too sure how I fared in handicap, but considering I was 33 pins above average I stand a decent chance! I won't be cashing for all events because so many people had really high scoring games this weekend, but that's all right.

Now for the sport shot. I had never done it before and didn't know what to expect. I've shot difficult patterns at world cup and of course CNCs and sort of from CYCs but I still wasn't sure what would be out there. My first game was a tough 154, lowest of the day and tourny for me, but it was about what everyone else was doing as well. Near the end of that game I decided to try a different line (stand and aim elsewhere). It paid off for the rest of the shift and I added a 214 (second highest for the shift - a girl I was bowling with had a 216 that same game) and then a 198, for an average of 188. I came tops in girls and second overall, only 7 behind the top boy (though overall doesn't matter). I'm not sure if I get paid for it, because I won a bowling shirt, coupon for the pro shop and a kit from the pro shop. Fingers crossed that I do though.

So it was a heck of tournament for me. There were so many high games though. There was a 300, a 299 and a 289. All boys of course. I'm really proud at how consistent I was, always around that 200 mark (besides that 150 game, but that's forgivable). And I also figured things out on my own, for the most part.

It's a good thing it came at the end of reading break so I was nicely rested and relaxed. It's also a good warm up for YBC provincials next Sunday. I just need to get my mental game back and not put too much pressure on myself.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

That Dream Of Mine

What a horrible title THAT was for a post.
But anyway. I just wanted to touch base with how those goals of mine have gone this year.

#1 - I DID bowl most of the summer! I believe Once July hit me and the guys were going every week to Gateway. And it was a blast. I owned them all and averaged about 200 each week. And then sadly league started and I don't know where that went. But I'm back to that now :)

#2 - I ended up getting 2 balls from that lady I know but they were useless. They had been used to much, and re-drilled too many times. But I did get switch grip. Though honestly I'm starting to think maybe I should have put that towards a new ball instead, my one strike ball is about to hit the dust..

#3 - I haven't done all the tournaments, because, well, that's a shit ton of money to be throwing away like that. I did world cup this year though which was a neat experience. I wouldn't do it again unless I thought I could win though. That's $60 down the drain.

The season is not yet done and I'm unsure if I'll get to CNCs this year, but either way I should keep practicing. I don't know why I hadn't been going even just by myself. I kept waiting for practice to spring up, but more than anything I just needed to get a lot of games in. Chelsey seems to bowl 2-3 times a week (or at least 3 now in preparation for tournies (she does youth & adult league)) and it's seemed to pay off so far. She kicked a lot of butt this weekend, averaging 217.

So really, for now that's my only goal. Practice. But it is easier said than done. Chelsey is done school, I'm still trying to get into a program. She has a lot more time, and not to mention more money than me. And a wish would be to get a new ball. I didn't win any of the 5 on raffle at the tourny this weekend which blows, because I doubt I'll have enough to buy one myself. I've been trying to subtly hint ato my mom to buy me one but I don't think that'll ever fly. Which honestly really pisses me off. She doesn't support me in any way financially, and she used to pay for bowling all the time, is it really too much too ask to chip in a bit for a ball? That's probably a bit selfish of me, but still..

Look forward to a recap of this weekend's scholarship tournament, previous tournaments and tournaments to come!

New Plan

Alright, when I originally created this blog, I intended it to be a sort of memoir. Keep track of my progress and have memories of these awesome national tournaments. I've decided now that I'm just going to turn into a full out bowling blog. It's tournament season this month and for the next few weeks, and I'd like to share what my experiences have been. It may very well be the case that no one reading this has that much interest, but for myself, it would be nice to look back at what I accomplish throughout the year.

So I need to change the title of the blog.. I'm kind of liking the name #yegbowling (you know, to go with the twitter trend). Any ideas? Let me know!