Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday Night Practice

Well Ted (my coach) didn't actually really have much to say about the tournament yesterday. I guess the way it was working out was that it was a tough shot and the way I throw the ball didn't match up too well with that. And we figured out (during practice) the reason why I couldn't bend my knee/stay down. I was leaning forward way too much. So we got the figured out today.

We also changed my hand position from tilted to the right (trying to get more hook on the ball) to a flatter position so I wouldn't rotate my hand too early in counteracting against the other position. I was also trying to work on keeping the center of the ball more at the base of my pointer finger, since that's the strongest point of the hand.

There was also another coach there and he had a video camera so we were analyzing our approaches from different angles. From that we saw that you don't see my fingers at all in the back swing, ie. I'm not staying "behind the ball" like I'm supposed to, a result of my wrist "breaking". So we tried to keep my wrist cocked in order to keep it a bit straighter during the swing. That didn't work at all since I have next to no muscle in my wrist.

After about 2 hours it was: ok, just throw the ball, and hope these things stick. Well Dylan and I had then decided we should prebowl. After 2 hours of practice my arm was pretty sore and I was iffy about it but said sure why not. Good thing I did! I wish I had taken a picture, but I got a new high score! (Though unofficially since it's not during sanctioned play) It was this: 9/ XX 9/ XXXXXXXX for 269. Then 236! Then 209. And then a lowly 170, but my thumb was swelling from the heat and too many "games" (we didn't bowl actual games during practice.

So that makes me feel better. I just have to get better at bowling on tough conditions I guess. At least I'm consistently good on easy shots now. Now to transfer that to different oil patterns.. They should really start doing that for league now..

Now to rest up the hand and arm and then head down to Calgary Saturday morning for CNCs qualifier.

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