Monday, February 27, 2012

Edmonton Youth Scholarship All Events

This is by far the best tournament of the year - lots of fun, low pressure.

So this is how it works. It's a tournament comprised of team, doubles and singles events. 3 games for each shift. There is also a "mini tournament" of 3 games on a difficult oil pattern, which we call a sport shot. As well, there is a skills competition where specific pins are set up and we get points for making the spares; with more difficult spares garnering more points.

Skills is divided into 160 average and under & 161 and over. The field usually gets cut to the top 6 in each, and they move on to the second round & more difficult spares. The winner wins a bowling ball, and gets their name on a plaque. This year I got 12 points, but the cut off was 13 points so I just missed making the cut - I think I was the same for last year as well.

For payouts, I'm not 100% how it works, but I think the amount depends on how many entries were in each event and division. So each event will pay different amounts. The big thing about this tournament is in the name - All Events. They take your combined scores from teams, doubles and singles (but only from the first shift of each, as you can enter as many times as you like). It's also scratch and handicap, so there's 8 ways of winning.

Now for my results. Keep in mind, my average is 179, so for each shift, an average total would be of about 540.

Teams: 629, 210 ave
Doubles: 590, 197 ave
Singles: 637, 212 ave
All Events: 1856, 206 ave

(2 high games of 227)

Teams scratch I think we ended up either 3rd or 4th for scratch and maybe 2nd or 3rd for handicap. So we'll hopefully cash a bit of money.
Doubles was a lost cause because my partner didn't do too well.
For singles scratch, the lowest I could end up is 2nd but I think I managed 1st so that should be a decent payout. I'm not too sure how I fared in handicap, but considering I was 33 pins above average I stand a decent chance! I won't be cashing for all events because so many people had really high scoring games this weekend, but that's all right.

Now for the sport shot. I had never done it before and didn't know what to expect. I've shot difficult patterns at world cup and of course CNCs and sort of from CYCs but I still wasn't sure what would be out there. My first game was a tough 154, lowest of the day and tourny for me, but it was about what everyone else was doing as well. Near the end of that game I decided to try a different line (stand and aim elsewhere). It paid off for the rest of the shift and I added a 214 (second highest for the shift - a girl I was bowling with had a 216 that same game) and then a 198, for an average of 188. I came tops in girls and second overall, only 7 behind the top boy (though overall doesn't matter). I'm not sure if I get paid for it, because I won a bowling shirt, coupon for the pro shop and a kit from the pro shop. Fingers crossed that I do though.

So it was a heck of tournament for me. There were so many high games though. There was a 300, a 299 and a 289. All boys of course. I'm really proud at how consistent I was, always around that 200 mark (besides that 150 game, but that's forgivable). And I also figured things out on my own, for the most part.

It's a good thing it came at the end of reading break so I was nicely rested and relaxed. It's also a good warm up for YBC provincials next Sunday. I just need to get my mental game back and not put too much pressure on myself.

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