Friday, May 20, 2011

Une Journée Désagréable

Holy mother has today been a HORRIBLE day! First of all I had to get up super early because I wanted to be 2 hours early for my flight. Thank GOD for that decision!! Just as we're taking the exit for the airport I realize I've forgotten my bowling shoes and kit. Sooo back we go into the city.. What a way to spend the morning. At least it was a nice, sunny day and it was Victoria driving me.

The headaches did not stop there. OF COURSE I'd get stuck in front of a crying baby that has been up since 4am. Suffice it to say my iPod was turned all the way up during the entire flight and it did no good. THEN the guy next to me spills his rye and pepsi and some of it splashes onto my legs. Joy.

Now hmm, I'm finally in the city (still not sure which one..) and get into a cab. I give him the address I got from the website. It won't go into his gps. Greeaat. He brings me back to the airport. I text some people to get the right address because of course I can't connect to the Internet. I finally get the right address (montée instead of cote, st Laurent instead of laval) and take off to the bowling alley.

I got a crazy driver but we're making good time at least. I go to pay him-I hand him my MasterCard. "you could have told me that before we left" he mumbles in French very rudely, not knowing I speak French. Désolé, I say. (F you!!!!! I'm thinking.)

So then I get all my bowling stuff figured out and walk over to the hotel to check in and eat. My mom is not with me yet so I have to give my MasterCard. But guess what?!? Mother did NOT tell me how much it would be so my card is DECLINED!! It took all I could muster not to break into tears. We got it squared away though, we just put 2 days on my card. So here I am, sweaty and in a rite state, I go to unpack some things, aka pull out my dear computer to check Facebook. It's charge is down to 50% so I go to pull out the charger... Duh duh duh... (imagine that ominous music). Yep-you got it! I forgot my charger! Joy.

So it's been a REALLY stressful and tiring day so I chose to eat by my loansome in my room and tried to relax with a hot bath. Now I'm sprawled on the couch watching hockey and writing this on my iPod. Not stressed but still exhausted and angry. Here's to hoping for a decent day of bowling tomorrow. 12 games... Woohoo!(?)

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