Friday, May 27, 2011

I Have A Dream

Twice now after coming back from a major national championship I've felt like if I kept bowling during the summer, I could do anything. I feel comfortable in the way I bowl and it feels like I move up a level; which technically I do, that's what all good athletes have to do to have a chance at winning anything.

Last summer I didn't get out to a bowling alley because it was too expensive. So I lost that feeling and had to start from scratch in September. This year is going to be different-as a youth bowler in Edmonton I get to practice free (YAHOO!!) and I'm going to take advantage of that.

That is step 1. Just keep the feel in my hand and fingers, have fun with it. Something to kill time, stay in form.

Step 2 would be spread out over time. Equipment. I'm getting a free ball from one of the ladies who I bowled with in a spring league last summer and I also bowled with her daughters when they were in the youth league. So that's another ball in my arsenal. Before any other major tournaments I think I'd also like to get another ball. I will also be looking into switch grips, where you have one thumb hole that inserts into all your balls, so the thumb hole is always the same in each ball.

Next would be to enter every tournament in the city. A lot of the more serious youth bowlers have been doing this, so I'm starting a bit late, but money has always been the issue. So to solve this problem? You got it, no spending on random crap. I have to go back to my stingyness of 1st year uni and work 3 jobs (only about 20 hours max a week? Completely do-able).

These three steps are a very good start to up my compete level. I only have 2 years left of youth league. At the moment I can keep up with most adults (as shown in Montreal) but by the time I get to the adult league I want to have the chance to WIN.

So the whole, big picture dream? Of course Team Canada. For as many years as possible. But if I were only to make it once in my life, heck that's more than 3/4 of this country could say they've done.

For now though, I'll just aim to make top 20 next year, maybe push to make that top 12th spot. Gotta aim high! Even if the goals aren't met next year, it's not the end of the world, lane conditions are always changing and you have bad days. At the end of it all, all I care about is throwing a good ball, each and every time. And I vow to go every year from now on, barring any financial problems :p

The only thing that complicates this: School. Somewhat unfortunately. My coach is always joking that it's too bad that I have to make school my #1 priority or else I could be a great bowler. Ya it is too bad. And it also sucks that I realized I want this dream so bad, because there was so much I wanted to do next year. Mostly just volunteer with maybe 2 or 3 organizations. But now with classes, studying, working, soccer (will I have time now..?!?!), bowling (hopefully at LEAST twice a week now), and RELAXING... is there room for volunteering? We'll see. But at least with that, I can always drop it if it gets to be too much.

Next year is going to be an ambitious year, but I'm looking forward to it :)

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