Sunday, May 22, 2011

Day 2

WHAT a day!! I was exhausted and sore but I made it through. I was much more consistent as well. And we finished at 8:30 HURRAH!

The first 6 was on short and I shot: 180, 174, 155, 135, 236, 223. I wish I could redo those middle two, but oh well, At least I came back +100 after that disastrous 135 where I had 6 opens in a row (!). (Open = frame where you don't strike or spare = bad). I was close to average those games and I think I was up to 23rd at one point (at least at some point in the day I was..).

We ended at about 2:30 again but the pace felt a lot better, not waiting around forever for other teams to finish. So again, we started on long at 4.

Man I came out with a bang again, the score just doesn't prove it. I had a 213, but had 6 strikes in a row and then 3 opens haha. Oops. Oh well. After that I didn't have anything too spectacular, but again I was around average.

Today was a lot more fun than yesterday though. I was bowling with 2 of the same girls as yesterday and I started talking to them and we kept chatting through out the whole day, joking around and encouraging each other. So I made some friends - yay! That was goal #3 for this weekend  (#1 was bowl as well as possible (pretty much completed that :D_), #2 was to hangout with the Edmonton folk but that never really happened except for dinner tonight. #4 was to party, but having no money doesn't help and no one actually invited me :( but that's okay. That just means I have time to share with you guys :p). So I'm already stoked on next year's tourny - it'll be in TO so that means I'll see these girls again! So heads up uni friends, no partying and/or going out for me JUST IN CASE I don't qualify and get that $1000 for it, because I AM GOING. PLUS I'll have an ever better chance of making the team, since I'll have confidence that I can actually compete with these ladies!!

So at the end of the day I was much more consistent which I was thankful for. I ended up 25th out of 55 ladies - my goal that I set at the beginning of the day. Hey->I'm the 25th best female bowler in Canada, WHAT UP? lol I'm actually not because for sure there were some who couldn't make it, but that's a pretty good measuring stick I'd say. BUT I'm stoked that I beat all the girls who I've ever bowled against in Alberta (by 130+)! And I was only 20 pins out of being Alberta's #3 :D

So I'd say I had one heck of a tournament! I averaged 178, and yeah that's below my usual (185) but considering this is a NATIONAL tournament with TOUGH lane conditions, where EVERYONE is bowling crappy games (ex. Caroline Lagrange is by far Canada's #1 female bowler and she had like a 130 game in there), I'm extremely proud of myself. Especially when I look back and see where I've come from and in such a short time.

Last year I was a 180 average, and aved 165 in it. This year I was a 185 average and aved 178 in it. I went from 28/33 to 25/55. Quite a transformation, no?

What's up next? Well tomorrow is the top 12 women and top 18 men, so we'll probably go watch in the afternoon. IMMA SLEEP IN!! YAY. Then there's the banquet in the evening and medal ceremony. Then Tuesday and Wednesday is for sightseeing. We're gonna go see Old Montreal. Then it's a flight back to Calgary connecting to Edmonton in the evening. So pictures to come for sure! (Will upload a few when back home)

Hope everyone is having a fantastic long weekend!!

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