Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The End

The trip is finally at an end. I'm definitely sad to be leaving this city.

Yesterday was a much shorter day than all the others, I got to sleep in and didn't have to bowl! I did however, go watch the final 12 games (well half of them). It was the top 12 women and top 18 men. I was cheering for Alberta - of course. For women we had Felicia and Sam (sisters!) in the top 7 at the beginning of the day. For men we had Daniel, the guy who does everyone's equipment, and he was my coach last year at nationals. Both girls made it (as did their mom for the senior team) and unfortunately Dan had a tough day and came 17th.

Talking with Dan today though, he said that he'll probably get selected (the final 2 spots for the adult teams are chosen by a selection committee) so I'm happy for him.

The guy who came in 1st should seriously be on tour!! He averaged probably 220+ and even shot a perfect game in the last day; a 300!!

Last night was a blast, the guys had a party in their room and invited all the youth bowlers. They had a whole bunch of beer left from the night before so I got free booze! Woo! It was a great night, as is normally a drunken night. I love those times, the inhibitions are gone and you just get along with everyone. So I definitely feel closer to these people now, a girl from Manitoba (who, incidentally knows my uncle, and he told her about me LOL) and of course my Edmontonians. More friends for the summer perhaps? Well, either way, because of this bonding I'm super stoked for next year, to do it all over again but to chill with everyone every night. It's sure to be a blast, bowlers are the best people!
So today was sightseeing day. I definitely started off in a bad mood, thanks to a mean headache, the hotel closing breakfast just before 11 and of course my lovely mother..augh. We headed to the metro and decided to start at the port. Um yeah.. no mountains & no map = 2 Albertans with no idea which direction is north... we finally found the port, it only took us about 20 more minutes than it should have lol. And man was it ever getting hot. Then we decided we should head over to Shwartz's, this place famous for it's smoked meat sandwiches. Mom finally decided to pull out her iPhone to map it and off we were. FOURTY MINUTES LATER, UP HILL, we were finally there, sore feet and sweaty faced. The food was good but it was SO not worth the pain. Getting back was super quick though thank goodness.

Then I figured we'd actually try and see something instead of walking around pointlessly. I wanted to see  either the Bell Center or the Forum and also Mount Royal. So we set off for Mount Royal. Ya, we never got there. Mom was getting too sore and getting grumpy. At this point we had been walking around for about 5 hours so we decided it was time to head back.

All in all it was a kind of disappointing journey. We really didn't see anything besides the port, Notre Dame Basilica and... lots of pigeons..? At least the weather was nice (it had been raining just before we left) and it's a very beautiful city. I love how similar it is to Paris! I kept reminiscing about how the metro is the same, the same kinds of architecture, narrow streets, the french of course and GREEN! Very nice. So I'll definitely be coming back in a few years, with someone who KNOWS the area so I can experience it the right way.

I now have blisters and am tired, tomorrow is going to be oh so fun.

I'll be glad to start working though :)

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