Thursday, May 23, 2013

Best Showing Ever

Wow, so blogging everyday about the tournament didn't really happen.. I never really ended up with too much down time to myself, I was always hanging out with friends. Also, by the time we'd get back from the alley it was time for dinner and then we were off somewhere for a few hours.

This weekend was pretty epic. The first day was a slight struggle, but it was better than last year so I was fine with that. I ended up falling off in the last two games because I was tired, but was consistent enough to be happy about it. I ended up averaging 180. The problem with this shot (short: WTBA Stockholm), is that I didn't have the right equipment for it. It played really dry and my Reign was too strong and hooked too much. Because of that I didn't really know where the ideal place to play was. I knew it was down the 5 board or even outside of it, but I was making too big of an angle, swinging into it. I'm not used to that so I decided to try the straightest line I could, which clearly was not the best, but at least it got me through the day.
Scores: 181 180 188 217 158 163: 1087
Standing: 36/62

The second day was medium, WTBA Athens. This shot was better for my Reign. It played fairly short so I still got some good hook. The ideal line was around 7 or 8 and I'm pretty sure I stayed there all day. But once again I fell off in the last two games. Finally I actually balled up to my IQ because I realized that it wasn't hooking anymore, because I was too tired. The IQ did the trick, but at that point it was kind of too late and being tired didn't help, concentration was a bit shot. I was actually sore all day during this one. My triceps tendons by my elbow were killing me. Clearly I was throwing it too hard the day before. So this day was all about letting it swing, let it do it's thing, trust it.
Another challenge that I thought I'd have was bowling with one of the girls from my bowling alley. Let's just say we don't really get along, so whenever I can beat her I'm having a great time.. I took her for 4/6, she finally got it together in the last two when I fell off. It's actually kind of funny how that happens, I think she's too concerned with beating me and then she gets frustrated when I bowl well and it takes away from her game. This day ended up being better than the day before, as well as last year's medium series.
Scores: 191 204 224 210 163 176: 1168
Standing: 31/62

The third day was the long, WTBA Paris. Practice went horribly, I couldn't find a line whatsoever. I knew it was supposed to play around 12, but that is so tight, that for me, could be difficult since I got get enough roll on the ball. So during practice I was all over the place trying to figure it out, but once it got the game, I decided that I may as well just try to play it like it was meant to be. I suppose that means I ended up taking an educated guess of where I needed to stand, and maybe I got lucky until I was able to calm down and loosen up. Sometimes that's the problem and you aren't doing the technical things right. I was pretty anxious at the beginning actually, wanting to see everyones scores and stuff. Not sure why, but it took me two games to finally get into my own game and stop worrying about anyone else. I was bowling with two girls around my age for once which was a bit nice, but they had their parents as a cheering section, mostly acting like intimidation. I was not a fan of that so I texted my guy friends that were having some beers in the bar (they had bowled in the morning) and they came to cheer me on for a bit. It helped, it picked me up and I finished strong.
It surprises me how smart I played the lanes this weekend. I did my research for ideal lines to use and then figured them out, but no one really told me how to adjust to breakdown, and that's usually my problem. Usually I wait too long and then it takes awhile to figure it out. Maybe that happened in day 1&2 as well as the fatigue, but in day 3 there was no change. In the 5th game I was starting to get lucky, and was making all my spares but it just wasn't working right. I finally decided to ball down from Vivid to IQ just to change it up and it ended up working. I actually got lucky, missed where I wanted to hit, but it was a good angle, so I just had to move my feet to get it right in the pocket.
I was actually right next to the girl I have "issues" with from the day before and I think she was watching and was getting frustrated by me again, and her not having any great games until maybe the end. By far this day was my best day ever at CNCs and actually only 6 women beat me that day; all Team Canada members (4 adult, 2 youth), so that really is something!!
Scores: 232 204 151 258 206 233: 1284
Standing: 18/62 (6 spots and ONLY 101 pins out of making the final day cut!!)
**101 pins is not much by any means, especially when I have at least 2 games that, if they were like the other games that surrounded them (those 150s) I might have made the cut!

Overall, I averaged 197, miles better than I set out to do (180 goal). The scores were crazy high this year though, because going into the weekend I thought if I somehow averaged 190 I'd make the cut. Well I almost averaged 200 and I didn't, so that's insane. But I'm super proud of my showing, and my name is hopefully getting more and more recognized. Hopefully I can come back next year, keep improving and make the cut! I definitely need another ball in my arsenal though, something to play the short better, so I'll be saving my money all year long for the tournie in case I don't get the money (competing against the women now, though I did show I am 3rd best in Alberta this past weekend) and then maybe get the ball for xmas or as an early bday present or something. We'll see!

But of course, as usual, I just want to get back home and keep bowling! Especially after a showing like this, by the end doing everything really well and keeping focus really well. That ended up being key. Focus and hitting my mark. Once I could hit my mark consistently, the game actually felt pretty easy. This was why it was hard for other people, they couldn't hit their mark very well.

Definitely one of my best bowling experiences to date! Next year is Toronto and then hopefully in Edmonton for 2015!!

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